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Senior Living News/Articles

VA Reaches Out to Veterans and Spouses

Posted on: 1/19/2011 ()

“Aid and Attendance” an Under-Used Benefit

WASHINGTON – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is reaching out to inform wartime veterans and surviving spouses of deceased wartime veterans about an under-used, special monthly pension benefit called Aid and Attendance.

“Veterans have earned this benefit by their service to our nation,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson. “We want to ensure that every veteran or surviving spouse who qualifies has the chance to apply.”

Although this is not a new program, not everyone is aware of his or her potential eligibility. The Aid and Attendance pension benefit may be available to wartime veterans and surviving spouses who have in-home care or who live in nursing-homes or assisted-living facilities.

Many elderly veterans and surviving spouses whose incomes are above the congressionally mandated legal limit for a VA pension may still be eligible for the special monthly Aid and Attendance benefit if they have large medical expenses, including nursing home expenses, for which they do not receive reimbursement.

To qualify, claimants must be incapable of self support and in need of regular personal assistance.

The basic criteria for the Aid and Attendance benefit include the inability to feed oneself, to dress and undress without assistance, or to take care of one’s own bodily needs. People who are bedridden or need help to adjust special prosthetic or orthopedic devices may also be eligible, as well as those who have a physical or mental injury or illness that requires regular assistance to protect them from hazards or dangers in their daily environment.

For a wartime veteran or surviving spouse to qualify for this special monthly pension, the veteran must have served at least 90 days of active military service, one day of which was during a period of war, and be discharged under conditions other than dishonorable.

Wartime veterans who entered active duty on or after September 8, 1980, (October 16, 1981, for officers) must have completed at least 24 continuous months of military service or the period for which they were ordered to active duty.

If all requirements are met, VA determines eligibility for the Aid and Attendance benefit by adjusting for un-reimbursed medical expenses from the veteran’s or surviving spouse’s total household income. If the remaining income amount falls below the annual income threshold for the Aid and Attendance benefit, VA pays the difference between the claimant’s household income and the Aid and Attendance threshold.

The Aid and Attendance income threshold for a veteran without dependents is now $18,234 annually. The threshold increases to $21,615 if a veteran has one dependent, and by $1,866 for each additional dependent. The annual Aid and Attendance threshold for a surviving spouse alone is $11,715. This threshold increases to $13,976 if there is one dependent child, and by $1,866 for each additional child.

For more information on the AId and Attendance pension benefit please contact us at 858-565-2911.

For more information on your entitled benefits please contact us at 858-565-2911 and one of our advisors will assist you at NO COST.


Maximum Monthly Benefit


Single Veteran:  $1554 monthly

Married Veteran (Veteran and Non-Veteran Spouse):  $1842 monthly

Veteran Spouses (Veteran and Veteran Spouse) : $2,444 monthly

Surviving Spouse of a qualified Veteran): $988 monthly


Eligibility Criteria: for Aid and Attendance Benefit (Must complete an 11 page application)

1. Miltary Service

  • Honorable Discharge
  • Active Service for at least 90 day
  • At leat one day of service during a period of war/conflict (WW II, Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Perian Gulf)

2. Medical Necessity

  • Must have a minimum of 2 Activites of Daily Living (eg bathing, grooming, dressing, eating, taking medication, toileting) for Veteran or Surviving Spouse
  • Licensed Physician must documet your need

3. Monthly Income Criteria

  • Total monthly medical expenes for ALL health insurance premiumss, assisted living, incontinence supplies, dialysis, diabetic supplies, private duty caregivers/aides must exceed monthly income by 5% or more
  • Monthly income is defined as retirement, military pension,  other pensions, long term care insurance, social security, interest bearing accounts such as CD/bonds, Real Property Income, etc

4. Your Networth/Liquid Assets

  • There are limits on the amount of liquid assets (those easily converted to cash) allowed to qualify for your benefit and is based upon a predetermined formula that takes into account your age and income.
  • It is highly advisable that you seek the professional expertise of an accountant, and or certfied financial planner before submitting your application
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